Users can also backup files and folders and migrate them to removable devices like flash drives or an external hard drive. Also, Google Drive doesn’t sync Google Photos to the PC. Sure, you can access them via the desktop, but you will need a browser and an internet connection to work on these files. However, you cannot use any Google document like Google Docs, Slides, and Sheets files on the desktop. You can also check the comparative analysis of Drive for desktop features and how they will benefit you. These cached files sync back to the cloud storage when you go online, so the latest version is available on all your devices. You can make Drive files available as local files using Drive for desktop, and it doesn’t consume your hard disk space. Since this becomes a shared folder, any changes you make on your desktop will be synced automatically to the folder on your Google Drive account. For instance, if you have a folder named ‘ABC’ on your Drive, you can access it on your PC using the Drive for Desktop app without using a browser like Chrome or Firefox. For To put it simply, Drive for desktop for Windows and macOS allows users to access Google Drive files on the desktop. To put it simply, Drive for desktop for Windows and macOS allows users to access Google Drive files on desktop. The search engine giant announced the unification of Backup & Sync and Drive File Stream to simplify the syncing services and enhance the user experience. In February 2021, Google launched Drive for Desktop.

Google Drive For Desktop To Sync Drive Files To Desktop